The Aztec and Inca were the original inventors of peanut butter!

Peanut butter has been to space and back, and is a hugely popular food item around the world. People often credit slave-turned-businessman George Washington Carver with inventing this delicious snack, but the true origin was from far earlier.

The Aztec and Incas used to make a primitive version of peanut butter. The paste was hard to spread and had a somewhat bitter taste. Modern peanut butter uses vegetable oil and mixing machines to get what we have today, something that they certainly didn't. Instead, these two groups would roast the nuts and then mash them into a paste.

Modern peanut butter has been around since the late nineteenth century. As stated earlier, George Washington Carver is often credited with inventing the stuff, but some people dispute this. The first peanut butter patent came in 1884 and belonged to Canadian inventor Marcellus Gilmore Edson.